GOA Demands Investigation into PA Attorney General Shapiro for Possible Gun Law Violations

March 25, 2022
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. — Gun Owners of America is demanding an investigation into whether the Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office and NBC News violated multiple state and federal firearms laws in conjunction with a news story regarding JSD Supply and the sale of Polymer80 firearms kits.
As reported by Ammoland News, NBC reporter Vaughn Hillyard allegedly purchased two Polymer80 firearms kits and then asked Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office to build the pistols for them. The completed pistols were apparently returned to NBC and used in the story.
“Based on what we know, there is no question that agents of the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office committed serious violations of both federal and state laws,” said Andrew Austin, legal counsel for Gun Owners of America. “Neither Mr. Shapiro nor his agents are exempt from these laws. They aren’t permitted to make guns for third-parties or transfer firearms to others without getting a background check. It’s illegal for us and it’s illegal for them.” Mr Austin continued, “unless Attorney General Shapiro now finally agrees that all of these laws are unconstitutional under the Second Amendment and Article I Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Consitution, both he and his agents must be held accountable.”
“The hypocrisy of Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office is absolutely astonishing,” said Dr. Val Finnell, Pennsylvania Director for Gun Owners of America. “Shapiro continually pushes for tougher gun control laws, yet his own office seems to have flagrantly defied current state and federal firearms laws. He shouldn’t be defying the same laws he champions just to make political points with the media.”
Gun Owners of America is calling for a full investigation into the actions by the Attorney General’s office by both state and federal officials, including the appointment of a special prosecutor if necessary.
“Law-abiding gun owners are sick and tired of watching public servants violate the law with impunity while they are expected to follow it to the letter. If laws were violated, then the guilty parties need to be held accountable,” said Finnell.
Erich Pratt, Dr. Val Finnell, Andrew Austin, Esq, or another GOA spokesperson is available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center.