GOA Pennsylvania Legislator Grades
Grades are current as of January 10, 2024, and are subject to change at any time pending new legislative action, receipt of new surveys, or other information.
Legislator grades are based on their voting record, sponsorship of bills, public statements, and answers provided on GOA’s candidate survey. “AQ” means an “A” grade by survey only for a legislator without a voting record. “NR” means “Not Rated.” This means that the legislator has insufficient votes to establish a track record and the legislator did not answer our candidate survey. The grades below reflect the historical voting record back to 2018.
Grading for leadership positions (e.g., Speaker of the House, President of the Senate, Majority Leaders, Committee Chairs) is not based solely upon voting record. Other factors, such as willingness to move pro-gun legislation and agreeability to meet with GOA legislative staff are taken into account.