Mike Miller is the Gun Owners’ Choice Candidate for State Representative in SD 36
I am delighted to endorse GOA member, Mike Miller, for State Senate in Pennsylvania’s 36th Senate District.
The incumbent, Sen. Ryan Aument, voted for an anti-gun bill that became law in 2018.
HB 2060 was vigorously opposed by GOA (you can read our alert about it here). The only reason it passed is that weak Republicans, like Ryan Aument, followed the wishes of the RINO Senate leadership and voted for it like blind sheep.
HB 2060 expanded the loss of gun rights by “mandating” the relinquishment of ALL firearms, other weapons and all ammunition when a “permanent” protection from abuse (PFA) order is issued “WITHIN” 24 hours or face prosecution.
That’s why we need to send Mike Miller to Harrisburg to clean house!
Mike scored a perfect, 100% on his GOA candidate survey. He won’t sell you out when the RINOs in charge of the PA Senate ask for politically expedient anti-gun votes.
Here is what Mike has to say in his own words regarding your Second Amendment rights:
The right to bear arms is essential protection against tyranny. The 2nd Amendment defends life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Without it, freedom is perilous.
That’s why GOA is endorsing Mike Miller for State Senate in SD 36.
So, in the May 17th Republican primary, vote for GOA-endorsed Mike Miller and be sure to volunteer and support his campaign.
Paid for by Gun Owners of America, Inc. Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.