Contact Your State Representative to Oppose HB 2022
Several key allies within the Pennsylvania General Assembly contacted me about a looming, backdoor threat to gun control in a bill that would create new mental health services for school students.
HB 2022 sets up a massive, new school-based mental health bureaucracy in an attempt to address the current “mental health” crisis. While the intent of this legislation is noble, it may very well have unintended consequences when it comes to the Second Amendment rights of future generations of Pennsylvanians.

HB 2022 puts school-aged students in the crosshairs for mental health, backdoor gun control
What makes this bill concerning is the pending US Senate “federal framework” for gun control. Under the proposed framework, potential purchasers of firearms under 21 years of age would require an expanded background check that would include a review of juvenile and mental health records, along with checks with local law enforcement and state databases.
If HB 2022 passes, that could very well mean that your child or grandchild may be prohibited from exercising their Second Amendment rights based upon an old diagnosis written in their school mental health records. They might even be permanently prohibited!
What makes HB 2022 even worse is that it’s an “opt-out” system with no assurances of confidentiality. These mental health records may end up in our PICS instant check system, which is tied in with the NICS database. And who knows how long it would take to search such school-based records when your 20-year-old relative attempts to buy a hunting rifle.
That’s why I need you to send a message to your state representative using the form above. Let them know that you oppose HB 2022, mental health backdoor gun control.