“Shall Not Be Questioned” Rally April 30th
Join Gun Owners of America and other pro-Second Amendment organizations in Harrisburg on Tuesday, April 30th at 9 AM on theCapitol Steps as we gather to support and protect the Second Amendment from infringement.
GOA is providing two, nationally recognized speakers at the rally:
- Antonia Cover: GOA’s National Director of Womens’ Outreach and Founder of Empowered 2A. “Black, Armed, and Conservative.”
- Stephen Willeford: GOA’s Grassroots Liaison and the Hero of Sutherland Springs, TX. “The Barefoot Defender.”
The rally is sponsored by the PA House and Senate Second Amendment Caucus chairs, Rep. Abby Major and Senator Cris Dush, respectively.
We need to have a strong showing from GOA members and supporters at the rally. So, please share this email with your pro-gun family and friends, and let’s stand together for our rights on April 30th in Harrisburg.