Pennsylvania Primary Election Report
I have good news for you.
The 2024 Pennsylvania primary elections turned out favorable for gun owners. Here is a recap of the primary results along with some comments about the general election.
GOA Endorsed Candidates Who Won
Attorney General – Dave Sunday
This was a big win for gun owners! GOA-endorsed Republican candidate, Dave Sunday, trounced anti-gun State Representative Craig Williams. Sunday captured 70.43% of the GOP vote compared to Williams’ 29.57%. GOA members and supporters slammed Williams non-stop on social media for his support of Universal Registration checks, contributing to his defeat.
Dave Sunday will face off against Democrat Eugene DePasquale in the general election.
PA Senate
PA Senate District 45 – Jen Dintini
GOA-endorsed Republican candidate Jen Dintini defeated Kami Stulginskas 74.89% to 25.11%. Jen scored 100% on our candidate survey while Stulginskas didn’t bother to respond.
This is a critical race for gun owners because pro-gun Democrat Senator Jim Brewster is retiring which created an open seat in the district.
Jen Dintini will be running against anti-gun State Representative Nick “The Pretender” Pisciottano in the general election. Pisciottano has an “F” grade from GOA.
The remainder of GOA’s endorsed PA Senate candidates won their primary elections:
- Scott Hutchinson, SD 21
- Cris Dush, SD 25
- Lynda Culver, SD 27
- Dawn Keefer, SD 31
- Doug Mastriano, SD 33
- Wayne Langerholc, SD 35
- Joe Pittman, SD 41
PA House
PA House District 90 – Chad Reichard
Gun owners scored another victory with GOA-endorsed Republican candidate Chad Reichard defeating primary opponent Janon Gray by 29 points.
Pro-gun State Rep. Paul Schemel is retiring which left an open seat in this district.
No Democrat is running in the general election, so GOA is looking forward to working with Chad in the General Assembly next session.
PA House District 109 – Robert Leadbeter
Rep. Robert Leadbeter steadfastly defeated challenger Matthew Yoder by a devastating 65 points!
GOA endorsed Robert Leadbeter in 2022 and his track record is impeccable.
Rep. Leadbeter’s seat will be contested by Democrat Nicholas McGaw in the general election.
The following GOA-endorsed PA House candidates won their primary elections:
- Jake Banta, HD 4
- Eric Weaknecht, HD 5
- Parke Wentling, HD 7
- Aaron Bernstine, HD 8
- Stephenie Scialabba, HD 12
- Andrew Kuzma, HD 39
- Joe D’Orsie, HD 47
- Bud Cook, HD 50
- Ryan Warner, HD 52
- Jill Cooper, HD 55
- Brian Rasel, HD 56
- Eric Davanzo, HD 58
- Leslie Rossi, HD 59
- Abby Major, HD 60
- Jim Struzzi, HD 62
- Brian Smith, HD 66
- Dallas Kephart, HD 73
- Stephanie Borowicz, HD 76
- Therese Hollen, HD 82
- Joe Hamm, HD 84
- Perry Stambaugh, HD 86
- Mike Jones, HD 93
- Wendy Fink, HD 94
- David Zimmerman, HD 99
- Joanne Stehr, HD 107
- Jonathan Fritz, HD 111
- Dane Watro, HD 116
- Alec Ryncavage, HD 119
- Doyle Heffley, HD 122
- Jamie Barton, HD 124
- David Maloney, HD 130
- Milou Mackenzie, HD 131
- Barb Gleim, HD 199
Other Pro-Gun Wins
PA House
PA House District 63 – Josh Bashline
Pro-gun State Representative Donna Oberlander is retiring which left an open seat in the district.
Multiple candidates came forward in a four-way Republican primary. All the Republicans answered GOA’s candidate survey with one of the candidates supporting Universal Registration Checks!
The good news is that Josh Bashline won the race handsomely, defeating the anti-gun candidate. Josh scored 100% on his GOA survey and will represent the interests of gun owners well in Harrisburg.
Bashline will face Democrat Pat Ritchie in the general election.
GOA will be watching this race closely in the coming months.
PA House District 92 – Marc Anderson
GOA-endorsed candidate State Rep. Dawn Keefer is running for PA Senate which left HD 92 as an open seat.
In a five-way Republican primary, Marc Anderson emerged as the victor. This is good news for gun owners as Marc scored a perfect,100% on his GOA candidate survey.
Marc Anderson will face a challenge by Democrat Daniel Almoney in the general election.
This is another race GOA will be watching closely.
PA House District 120 – Brenda Pugh
Pro-gun State Representative Aaron Kaufer is retiring leaving an open seat in this district.
In a three-way primary, Brenda Pugh emerged as the victor and that is good news for gun owners. Brenda scored 100% on her GOA candidate survey and will be a good advocate for us in Harrisburg.
Brenda Pugh will face Democrat Fern Leard in the general election.
This is another race that GOA will be monitoring.
PA House District 139 – Jeff Olsommer
State Representative Joe Adams resigned leaving this seat open.
The good news for gun owners is that Jeffrey Olsommer scored 100% on his GOA candidate survey and won both the special election and the primary.
Jeff Olsommer goes up against Democrat Robin Skibber in the general election.
As with the other races mentioned in this section, GOA will be watching this race.
GOA Endorsed Candidates Who Lost
PA House
PA House District 13 – Carmela Ciliberti
Carmela Ciliberti ran a great campaign but lost to incumbent State Rep. John Lawrence. GOA opposed Lawrence due to his 2018 vote on HB 2060, a bill that enhanced gun seizure orders.
We salute Carmela for her courage to stand up against the RINO establishment in Harrisburg.
PA House District 100 – Dave Nissley
In a tight race, pro-gun, pro-liberty candidate Dave Nissley nearly defeated incumbent Rep. Bryan Cutler, losing by 651 votes.
Dave Nissley ran an awesome campaign and we were delighted to support a true, liberty-minded individual in this crucial race.
GOA has a list of grievances against Rep. Cutler and we sincerely hope that he got the message that GOA will NOT sit idly by and watch our God-given rights be compromised, nor will gun owners tolerate being ignored by Republican leadership.
PA House District 117 – Mike Cabell
GOA-endorsed candidate Mike Cabell lost to Republican challenger Jamie Walsh by a mere 8 votes.
But there is good news for gun owners in this race. Jamie Walsh scored 100% on his GOA candidate survey and will be a strong ally for us in Harrisburg.
Since no Democrat is running in the general election, GOA looks forward to working with Jamie Walsh after he is sworn in as the new state representative.
GOA will keep you updated as we enter the general election. Be sure to bookmark our Pennsylvania candidate endorsement page and share this email with your pro-gun family and friends.
Paid for by Gun Owners of America, Inc. Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.