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GOA Endorses Devlin Robinson for State Senate

I am delighted to endorse Senator Devlin Robinson for State Senate in District 37.

Devlin Robinson had a remarkable first term as a Pennsylvania senator. He has a 100% pro-gun voting record and received an “A” grade from GOA. 

Not only that, but Devlin scored 100% on his GOA candidate survey, ensuring gun owners that he is completely with us when it comes to protecting and advancing our God-given rights.

Devlin is also a Marine combat veteran, having served three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan where he fought as an infantryman. He knows what it means to serve his country and his state.

But Devlin is under attack to keep his seat. The Democrat challenger is an anti-gun Leftist, endorsed by Mom’s Demand Action. You can be sure that the anti-freedom forces in the Democratic party and their allies will be spending BIG BUCKS to defeat American hero, Senator Devlin Robinson.

I know Devlin personally and can attest to his commitment to our constitutionally-protected rights. I can always count on him to back us in the PA Senate, no matter what. But if Devlin loses this election, gun owners in the 37th Senate District will have NO VOICE in Harrisburg.

This is one of the most important races in Pennsylvania and is crucial for maintaining a pro-gun majority in the PA Senate. It will only take a loss of two or three pro-gun seats to turn Pennsylvania into New York or New Jersey. We can’t let that happen!

That’s why you must do whatever you can to support Devlin Robinson’s campaign and vote for him on November 5th.

Our freedoms hang in the balance.