HB 1747 and HB 2440 Pass PA Senate
You did great work!
Both HB 1747 and HB 2440 passed the Pennsylvania Senate on a 29-20 vote without amendments.

Governor Tom Wolf
Now both bills will go to the Governor for his consideration.
But these two important, pro-gun bills face an imminent veto threat by Governor Tom Wolf.
That’s why I need your help to ensure that both HB 1747 and HB 2440 are signed into law by the Governor!
HB 1747 eliminates the Governor’s ability to “suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation…of firearms” during a state of emergency.
HB 1747 also removes the requirement to have a License to Carry Firearms (LTCF) in order to carry a firearm openly during a state of emergency — and with Pennsylvanians waiting up to a year to get an LTCF, this is a much-needed correction to the law.
HB 2440, the “Hunting, Firearm and Ammunition Life-Sustaining Business Act,” would protect the entire firearms industry and shooting ranges from arbitrary closure during a state of emergency by making them life-sustaining businesses.
I am truly grateful to Representatives Matt Dowling (R-51) and Bill Kortz (D-38) for their prime sponsorship of HB 1747 and HB 2440, respectively.
Also, Representative Cris Dush (R-66) offered a very important amendment that strengthened HB 2440. Representative Dush is a newly elected state senator representing PA’s 25th Senate District and will continue to be a strong ally.
Finally, I’d like to send my thanks to Senate Majority Leader, Jake Corman (R-34), for bringing up both of these bills for a vote.
As gun owners, we cannot let their efforts be in vain, and we need to turn up the heat to get Governor Tom Wolf to sign both of these bills into law.
So, please take action (see above) today and urge Governor Wolf to sign both HB 1747 and HB 2440 into law immediately.