Pro-gun Bills May Die on Senate Floor!
Senate Majority Leader, Jake Corman (R-34), needs to hear from you again.
As of today, Senator Corman still has not committed to advancing two important pro-gun bills.

Senator Jake Corman
And with only 4 legislative days left, there is a real danger both of these bills will die on the calendar.
That’s why I need you to call Senator Corman’s office immediately to demand a recorded vote on both HB 1747 and HB 2440.
To refresh your memory, HB 1747 eliminates the Governor’s ability to “suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transportation…of firearms” during a state of emergency.
HB 1747 also removes the requirement to have a License to Carry Firearms (LTCF) in order to carry a firearm openly during a state of emergency — and with Pennsylvanians waiting up to a year to get an LTCF, this is a much-needed correction to the law.
HB 2440, the “Hunting, Firearm and Ammunition Life-Sustaining Business Act” would protect the entire firearms industry and shooting ranges from arbitrary closure during a state of emergency by making them life-sustaining businesses.
With so few days left in the session, it’s critical that all gun owners take action right away to ensure both of these bills get brought up for a vote in the Senate.
So, please call Senator Corman today (use the form above) and urge him to schedule HB 1747 and HB 2440 for a vote immediately.