Constitutional Carry and Strengthen Firearms Preemption Bills on the Move
Report HB 659 and HB 979 from Committee!
I’ve got very good news for you.
Your grassroots efforts have paid off in a big way. House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Rob Kauffman (R-89), is bringing both Constitutional Carry (HB 659) and Strengthen Firearms Preemption (HB 979) bills up for a vote in the committee next week, on May 25th.

PA State Capitol
The next step is to get both bills reported and on to the House floor for a vote, without any gutting amendments. But in order to do that, we need to make sure that every committee member hears from their constituents.
Representative Bernstine (R-10) introduced the Constitutional Carry bill (HB 659). The bill would affirm the constitutional right of every person inside Pennsylvania to keep and bear firearms without a permit, including the right to carry them openly or concealed, loaded or unloaded. The bill also eliminates the restrictions on carrying firearms on public streets or public property in Philadelphia.
For those who wish, HB 659 includes an optional license to carry firearms (LTCF) that will provide reciprocity with any state with which Pennsylvania has an agreement. It also allows membership organizations, like GOA, to sue on your behalf.
Representative Matt Dowling (R-51) introduced the Strengthen Firearms Preemption bill (HB 979). The bill allows law-abiding citizens the ability to recover damages, reasonable attorney fees, and costs if a court finds that a gun control local ordinance violates the state firearms preemption law. It would also award costs to an unsuspecting citizen charged with a crime under one of these illegal ordinances who is subsequently acquitted.
So, please take action right away by using the form above and send the members of the House Judiciary Committee a message to report both HB 659 and HB 979 (this email is restricted to constituents of House Judiciary Committee members only).