I am delighted to endorse Jen Dintini for State Senate in District 45.
Pro-gun State Senator Jim Brewster is retiring, leaving a vacancy in this key senate district. We need to ensure that we maintain a pro-gun majority in the Pennsylvania Senate by electing a strong candidate.
Jen Dintini is that candidate! Jen is a lifelong resident of Allegheny County, a small business owner in the security industry, and a parent to four children.
Importantly, Jen scored a perfect, 100% on her GOA candidate survey and passed our rigorous screening process. That means that Jen is committed to protecting and ADVANCING our Second Amendment rights.
But Jen is facing an uphill battle against her opponent, anti-gun Democrat Nick “The Pretender” Pisciottano. Nick is the current state representative in HD 38 and has an “F” rating from GOA.
Let me be clear about this. Jim Brewster’s pro-gun legacy will be utterly destroyed by Nick Pisciottano who voted for EVERY gun control measure in the current session including Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders, Universal Registration Checks, a ban on homemade firearms, mandatory reporting of lost and stolen firearms, and a bump stock ban.
That’s why we need to send Jen Dinitini to Harrisburg. I know that she will be committed to upholding our God-given rights without compromise.
Here is what Jen has to say in her own words about our constitutionally protected rights:
I believe it’s important we uphold the principles of the 2nd Amendment, empowering people to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property.
The Second Amendment is woven into the very fabric of American history and culture, highlighting our commitment to freedom and the responsible ownership of firearms. It is enshrined not only in our 2nd Amendment but even stronger in our Pennsylvania constitution which declares the right to bear arms “shall not be questioned.”
For all these reasons, GOA is endorsing Jen Dintini for State Senate in District 45.
So, in the November 5th general election, vote for Jen Dintini and be sure to support her campaign.
Paid for by Gun Owners of America, Inc. Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.