Demand that Speaker Bryan Cutler Investigate PA Attorney General’s Office

Coalition of Five Gun Rights Organizations Sends Letter to PA House Speaker, Bryan Culter, to Open Investigation into PA Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office for Violate of State and Federal Gun Control Laws

House Speaker Bryan Cutler must investigate the PA Attorney General’s Office
Gun Owners of America (GOA), in conjunction with four other gun rights organizations, is demanding an investigation into whether the Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office and NBC News violated multiple state and federal firearms laws in conjunction with a news story regarding JSD Supply and the sale of Polymer80 firearms kits.
As reported by Ammoland News, NBC reporter Vaughn Hillyard allegedly purchased two Polymer80 firearms kits and then asked Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s office to build the pistols for them. The completed pistols were apparently returned to NBC and used in the story, which is illegal.
On Monday, April 4, 2022, GOA, the Second Amendment Foundation, the American Firearms Association, the National Association for Gun Rights, and the Pennsylvania Firearms Association sent a letter to Pennsylvania House Speaker, Bryan Cutler, demanding that he open an investigation into AG Shapiro’s office for the manufacture and transfer of an un-serialized weapon in violation of both state and federal laws.
To date, there has not been any official response from Speaker Cutler.
This is a classic case of “rules for thee but not for me” when it comes to the conduct of the Attorney General’s office. While AG Shapiro is busy trying to outlaw homemade firearms, his office may have violated existing gun laws in assisting NBC News in their hit piece against JSD Supply.
That’s why I need you to contact your state representative immediately, by using the form above. Let them know that you stand with the coalition and demand that Speaker Bryan Cutler open a full investigation into the conduct of Attorney General Shapiro’s office immediately.