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Urge Your Legislators to Go on Offense for Gun Rights!

Your GOA Pennsylvania team is tracking 33 gun-related bills in the Keystone State with dozens more pending once they are filed. You can view all of these bills along with GOA’s position by using our online bill tracker. Be sure to bookmark this page.

So far, there hasn’t been any movement on anti-gun legislation. This is most likely because the Pennsylvania House is currently short one state representative, making it difficult for anti-gun Speaker Joanna McClinton (D-191) to advance gun control. She doesn’t have the votes right now!

Due to the untimely passing of State Representative Matt Gergely, there is a vacancy in House District 35 that must be filled in a special election to be held on March 25th, and that’s the only thing keeping the anti-freedom Democrats from pushing their Bloomberg-endorsed agenda in the PA House.

The PA Senate still has a pro-gun majority and is a firewall against the radical, anti-gun Democrats in the lower chamber. But we cannot let our guard down!

That said, the best defense is a good offense, and that’s why I need your help to ensure that your elected officials co-sponsor solid, pro-gun legislation.

Here is the short list of GOA’s priority legislation in both chambers. GOA will be scoring co-sponsorships on these bills. If politicians claim to be for our God-given rights, then they need to demonstrate that by going on record for:


1. HB 454 (Bernstine) — Constitutional Carry
2. HB 548 (Bashline) —  Strengthening Preemption
3. Second Amendment Preservation Act — Rep. Stephanie Borowicz
4. Defending Due Process by Prohibiting Red Flag Laws — Rep. Robert Leadbeter


1. SB 242 (Mastriano) — Right to Bear Arms Act
2. Constitutional Carry — Senator Cris Dush
3. Strengthen Preemption — Senator Wayne Langerholc

There are other pro-gun bills, so please be sure to consult our bill tracker to see everything filed to date.

Please take a moment to urge your state representative and state senator to co-sponsor the above bills (by using the form above) and to remind them that NO GUN CONTROL should ever pass in the PA General Assembly.